God is GREATER than you past failures

Yesterday is gone forever, and for many of our decisions – the possibility to change them is gone too.  For many of them, we are now left to live with the consequences of them, some for the rest of our lives.

No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, God is so much greater than your past. No matter what has happened in your past, turn to face Jesus. He loves you and wants you to come to Him!

God is GREATER than your preasent stuggles

No matter how great or small your problems may seem, God is always greater. He is always there for you, ready to help you through whatever you may be facing.

But, sometimes it is hard to fully grasp God’s deep love and will for our lives when we are plummeted with wave after wave of hardship. Trust in Him and know that He will never leave you alone. Lean on Him for strength and wisdom, and He will guide you through whatever challenges you may be facing.

God is GREATER than you future challenges

Are your troubles as untamed as the ocean? God holds them in the hollow of his hand (Isaiah 40:12). Are your sorrows as vast as the heavens? God measures them like a carpenter at his workbench (Isaiah 40:12). Are your burdens as heavy as the hills? God picks them up and puts them on his scale (Isaiah 40:12). Your problems may be massive, but your God is mighty. The sun will fail to shine sooner than his word will fall to the ground — no matter how big our problems.


Your problems may be great, perhaps even greater than you know. But your God is greater, and his promises to you are stronger and surer. So, look up from your problems. Listen again to God’s powerful, wise, and tender voice. And then ask God to help you behold him.

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